A Measurement Instrument for Enterprise Architecture Resilience Research: A Pilot Study on Digital Transformation
Adina Aldea, Amitrajit Sarkar (2022)
Enterprise Architecture can contribute positively to enterprise resilience. In this connected dynamic world Enterprise Architecture Resilience is an emergent area of Information Systems research that is characterized through an abundance of conceptual work with little empirical research. To fill this gap, this paper reports on the development and validation of an instrument to measure various resilience attributes and barriers in context to digital transformation in organizations. We advance an extended model for a multi-stage measurement instrument development procedure, which incorporates feedback from both academics and practitioners.
We identify two main contributions:
First, we provide a validated measurement instrument for the study of Enterprise Architecture Resilience factors in context to digital transformation in organizations, which can be used to assist in further empirical studies that investigate phenomena associated with the enterprise architecture domain.
Second, in doing so, we describe in detail a procedural model for developing measurement instruments that ensure high levels of reliability and validity, which may assist fellow scholars in executing their empirical research.
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18. Aug 2022
Kategorie: White Paper