Disaggregation of Digital Information and Data Sovereignty Compliance
Iris Anastasiadou, Julinda Beqiraj, Jean-Pierre Gauci (2023)
Trends show that most of the computing activity that is performed locally on end-user computers will eventually shift into the Cloud. Yet, reliance on cloud resources that are controlled by third parties, and whose use is shared, comes with risks, mainly related to reduced/loss of customer control and increased service provider control of data in clouds, risks over data security, and lack of transparency regarding the locations of providers. The huge amount of data stored outside of national boundaries has become a critical issue that is closely related to the question of government control over domestic data (i.e., data sovereignty), where rules introduced by states may result in both protection and limitations for companies that wish to resort to cloud services.
The paper aims to assess the legitimacy of Prizsm Technologies’ assertion that data sovereignty rules are upheld if digital information is disaggregated and disbursed across multiple geographic jurisdictions through the Prizsm Platform. Our assessment, made in the light of desk-based research of existing academic and grey literature, and comparative legal analysis of the legislation from selected national jurisdictions, highlights the following findings.
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11. Apr 2023
Kategorie: Best Practice