Identifying the Directions of Technology-Driven Government Innovation
Hyundong Nam, Songeun Kim, Taewoo Nam (April 2022)
The world is now strengthening its Information and Communication Technology (ICT) capabilities to secure economic growth and national competitiveness. The role of ICT is important for problems like COVID-19. ICT based innovation is effective in responding to problems for industry, economy, and society. However, we need to understand, not from the perspective of performance or investment, that the use and performance of ICT technology are promoted when each country’s ICT related environment, policies, governance, and regulations are effective. We need to share sustainable ICT experiences, successes, and challenges to solve complex problems and reorganize policies. This study proposes a Text Mining methodology from a future-oriented perspective to extract semantic system patterns from International Telecommunication Union (ITU) professional reports. In the text extracted from the report, we found a new relationship pattern and a potential topic. The research results provide insights into a diverse perspective for policymakers to search for successful ICT strategies.
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7. Jun 2022
Kategorie: White Paper