Managing Engineering Change within the Paradigm of Product Lifecycle Management
Hassan Habib, Rashid Menhas, Olivia McDermott (2022)
Managing change in organizations is a laborious task that consumes value added time in various segments of the product lifecycle including design and development, production, delivery, and product disposition. Product lifecycle management plays an important role in minimizing the time required for managing engineering changes.
This research aims to perform an extensive survey of the literature in this area. There is no consolidated review available in this area summarizing advances in engineering change management vis-à-vis product lifecycle management. Thus, the paper gives an overview of product lifecycle management-based thinking and change management. This review puts forward the most relevant research regarding the practices and frameworks developed for managing engineering change in an organization. These include model-based definition, digital twin, process-based semantic approach, service-oriented architecture, Unified Modeling Language, and unified feature modeling. The gaps between the extents of conformance to success factors have been identified as extent of integration, standardization, versatility of application, support of existing systems, and the extent of product lifecycle management support.
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7. Feb 2023
Kategorie: White Paper