The Future Data Economy – Competitive, Fair, Safe
Miguel Otero Iglesias and Agustín González-Agote, IE CGC (April 2024)
While in the first work package we focused on the digital economy (published in November 2022), in this package we have tried to zoom in even further and study the possibilities of creating a data economy that is:
- FAIR, in terms of creating a level playing field, which
is as accessible to as many players as possible. - COMPETITIVE, under the belief that free competition
with the right regulatory safeguards creates best
outcomes. - And SAFE, as the new data economy should foster
trust and encourage an ever-increasing sharing of data.
To do this, we have had the privilege to gather some of the best minds in the field from three different continents.
This report is a summary of their work as well as an analysis inspired by their contributions.
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12. Jun 2024
Kategorie: Report
Tags: Data Economy