Boosting Sustainability through Digital Transformation’s Domains and Resilience
Reihaneh Hajishirzi, Carlos J. Costa, Manuela Aparicio (2022)
Sustainability is a must for all businesses in all industries. It can boost company image and productivity while being aligned with customer needs. On the other hand, digital transformation (DT) is vital for business environments, and organizations need to be resilient in the face of crises such as COVID-19.
The main objective of our study is to figure out how DT and organizational resilience might help businesses become more sustainable. This study presents a model that explains social, environmental, and economic sustainability considering the domains of DT and organizational resilience. Our model is evaluated on the data gathered by 208 c-suite leaders from various Iranian companies. The model was empirically validated through a quantitative method of Partial Least Squares/Structural Equation Modeling (PLS/SEM) technique. The findings reveal that the five studied factors have substantial impact on the sustainability of Iranian organizations including data-driven, business process innovation, customer engagement, organizational resilience, and competitive advantages.
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5. Apr 2022
Kategorie: White Paper